In one hand was a pointy arrow with blood on it. A blue eye bigger then the other. Also hair messier then his clothes.With flies surrounded around him. In his was his own demen witch was a flee.Feet longer then his body. Hes got blue watery eyes. With humugus ears bigger then his head! with a cat mouth. It says”me kill you”he says that all the time. He has the ichyst beared EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When ever he walks out the door a head comes rolling out!!!! he makes silver puddles everywhere gross ahy and beware of him.and if you didnt listen bad things will happen.
Rose that is an amazingly descriptive story! Deborah
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to here more
ReplyDeleteHi There Rose!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great description - I definitely think that this creature needs locking up safe and sound in the Night Zoo Keeper's special enclosure - it sounds a bit dangerous!
I wonder why there are silver puddles wherever this creature goes - even the flea demon sounds awful because fleas bite and give you itchy spots!
Not all your spellings were correct, Rose, but today that didn't matter at all because I could understand your writing.
Well done, keep up the great descriptive writing,
Mrs Radd (Team100WC)
Hi Rose,
ReplyDeleteYes, you have a scary creature there. Yikes...rolling heads everywhere. I agree with Mrs. Radd that your spelling doesn't cause confusion but you might want to spellcheck before posting to improve your skills.
Happy writing!
(100WC team) Ms Wilson