Thursday, October 24, 2013

Poppy and Lucy Y3 100wc NZ

Bloody stains and silver puddles everywhere. His name is Creepy Peepy Blood. His house says eye love fresh flesh. His letter box says: Number: Flesh eating monster. The only words he says is “Yummy yummy flesh. There’s one strnge thing about Creepy Peepy Blood is he loves ice cream even more even more then blod and flesh so good for him. Because if you be really nice to him he will be nice back! But don’t touch his head because  he will get blood all over you. Pluss he has a lot of fleas.He is a bit scary right. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Poppy and Lucy, he sounds pretty scary! Was it difficult to create a character together? I am so pleased that Creepy Peepy Blood does not have his house in my street...or at least I hope he doesn't! I will have to remember that he likes ice cream, just in case he does!
    Keep up the good writing girls, I would like to read more.
    Mrs Richardson 100wc team
