Thursday, October 24, 2013

Esme and Imogen Y3 100wc NZ

Big fangs hanging from his jaws they almost touch the floor. The fearsome kind has returned! He has huge, fiery, red beady eyes and sharp pointy claws will rip your jaws apart. It’s favourite food is human’s flesh no matter how far away you are he comes crashing down and destroys your town. He lives in a cave right at the top of a rocky mountain where no one dears to go! The scariest thing you’ve ever seen is HIM! If you ever see him he will get you because he’s the most dangerous creature living AAAAAAAAA!!!  or something  like that! 


  1. What a scary story Esme and Imogen

    Joshua H

    Sent from my iPad mini

  2. I love the way your story starts with such a vivid description - straight into the action! Make sure you read your work through to check it makes sense and that you haven't missed any words out of your sentence.
