Friday, October 18, 2013

George 100wc Y3 NZ

I looked out of the window. The horses were running around in circles. How odd I thought what's that V-shaped thing on the horizon? Then I noticed it was getting bigger. ”Hurricane” I shouted.Dad came in “What's wrong?” He asked “It’s the sky." I said “It’s getting darker because of the hurricane, and it’s going to hit us.” “Don’t be silly the thing you're looking at is the tree” “ No you're looking in the wrong place it’s behind it” “Oh my god. You're absolutely right son I’ll warn the police." After Dad had alerted the police we went into our underground shelter.


  1. I liked the opening of your story, George - it's very atmospheric! - George's Dad.

  2. I absolutly loved the word horizon.Cam

  3. I'm worried about the horses! Lucas
