One stormy night when a cyclone was blowing and people were sleeping the violent storm as heading towards Wellington. The fire siren sounded thuderously lound going over and over again.The storm hit Wellington extremly early at 2am.I could imigane me being in the middle of the storm.I could imigane me in the eye around me was chaos.I woke and looked out the window and I saw hurricane winds were blowing.The storm rushed away after dameging 83 houses and 100 people homeless.The storm was terrifying because it dameged the city.The storm headed towards the south.I hope no more damege happenedes again.
You've really captured how violent and dangerous a storm can be Cam. 'Chaos' is a great word to use because it describes the situation all around and the helplessness of those experiencing the storm's fury. I love your description of the fire siren, using a really appropriate adverb ('thunderously') and repetition to emphasise the point. Well done.