One enigmatic night I was reading my most beloved book called the violent storm...! What was that? Abruptly everything exploded out of the book,there were winds , tornados , lightning , thunder , tsunamis , rain storms , falling over trees , screaming and crying it was terrible. As the drawings came out of the book they started getting bigger it was strange soon they were life size. I got sucked into the book I tried calling for my mum but there was no use she wasn’t there. Maybe I was sleeping I tried to wake few times it was just a dream after all!!!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Solomon 100wc Y4 NZ
On a vilontly stormy halloween night an hour after every one had gone to sleep a vampire called dracula stired up a tornado that stole everybody in the worlds soul but did not know he was not centre of the storm. The centre of the storm was a man stiring his coffee and making the tornado stronger soon the tornado started to suck dracula up he tried and tried but it was no use he was sucked up then everyones soul reternd then and peace and happiness came back to the world and beyond and he went somewhere.
Myles Ted 100wc y3 nz
As the violent storm struck the house and the window’s shattered like there was an earth-quake.A peace of ruble from the neighbours house smashed though the left overs of the broken window and hit Fred the farmer in the head and knocked him out.When he woke up he was in a hospital lying in a bed.The hospital Lady said his family was feeling fine. She also told him he had a broken arm and a bump on his head. She showed him the big bump on his head in the mirror.It would take about one month to heal.
Lucy and Rose 100wc Y3 NZ
...The violent storm was geting worse every second...On halloween night! There were two little girls going Trick or treating, their names were Violette and Lulu. They were very fond of going trick or treating together because they were very good friends! Also they were vampires so they didn’t have to dress up. They had to dress up when they went to school there was one thing they looked very beautiful at school. These girls were very genourise! Though they didn’t like hurting they just liked tricking. But not jokes that hurt. Also jokes that got them in troble.
“What the...” Gala stopped mid sentence as the sun got stronger and stronger. Her best friend Elsie was in the middle of covering her face in sunblock the second time so far she was up to her nose. “This violent storm is like a sun storm” complained Elsie “Yeah it’s getting on my nerves “ Gala agreed. The two girls were lying on Elsie’s deck in complete silence, until Gala finally said “ I am going to the toilet I’m busting” “while you’re up fill the jug with lemonade again will you?” asked Elsie “all right you lazy bones” mumbled Gala grumpily.
Joshua Y3 100 word challenge
I found something that looks like a stone with a cloud inside. It had lightening and thunder until it broke. It rose up to the sky making a storm it was violent. The violent storm was terrifying and unbelievable. I was horrified and scared I hate storms that are violent and rainy and stormy. The waves were big and strong. The tree blocked the road and all the cars stopped. A bolt of lightning struck onto a house roof then another it went to the cloud and electricity was on the cloud until it turned back into a stone hurray!
Alex and Ana 100 wc year 3 NZ
One mysterious christmas day there was a violent snow storm.Nobody had expected it.The snow was pounding on the windows , and piling on the houses . The children were playing in the woods when they got alerted to the storm and rushed home.Meanwhile back at home the violent storm was terriffying.People were lighting fires all over the neighbourhood. When the children finally got home, the adults were relieved They had a roast chicken dinner and then they had pudding which was rubarb crumble.Next they went to bed and had a good night sleep.The next morning the weather was fine.
Cam100wc Y3 NZL
One stormy night when a cyclone was blowing and people were sleeping the violent storm as heading towards Wellington. The fire siren sounded thuderously lound going over and over again.The storm hit Wellington extremly early at 2am.I could imigane me being in the middle of the storm.I could imigane me in the eye around me was chaos.I woke and looked out the window and I saw hurricane winds were blowing.The storm rushed away after dameging 83 houses and 100 people homeless.The storm was terrifying because it dameged the city.The storm headed towards the south.I hope no more damege happenedes again.
Flynn 100wc Y4 NZL
Once in the 70s there was a sea monster who created storms but once made a violent storm. The violent storm was magnificent but ... all of a sudden ... the storm shot up into the sky like a jet at top speed!But...obviously it hit a jet so it fell down just like the meteor that wiped out all of the dinosaurs. Then it smashed the sea monster killing it and causing a cloud of poisonous gas destroying a satellite and bouncing back to Earth hitting America destroying thousands of houses and killing most people and destroying buildings.
lucas & josh 100wc y4\3
Suddenly I woke up and saw a very violent storm. The violent storm was wripping people's roofs off. Because of a hurricane! Then I looked out of the window I saw destruction everywhere. Then I got into bed I tucked in so tight that I went straight to sleep. The next day I woke up and saw so many dads building up the village. After that I went out side and tried to help my dad but it was no use, then I thought of an idea, I called some builders from all the way from this village to another.
Rory 100 wc Y3 NZ
Boom it was a big tornado100 and 50 people die. It was a big giant it was a wizard. He made spells in his lear. The lear is in the sewer. Just when the whole city almost crumbled Ted and Rory came to save the day, they punched him but it didn’t hurt. He pushed us into a building, it really hurt! Ted hes unstoppable. NO he isn’t said ted.The giant punched us in the face. Now is he unstoppable said Rory.Yes said Ted.Then we made a posion.We used it on the giant he fell and died yay we said.
Ming Y4 100wc nz
During Halloween I am going to Antarctica when it is half way to Antarctica lots of violent storms was trying to hit the boat but the boat driver is so good at driving boats he dodged al of the storms. Then after five days of sea sick I have got to Antarctica then it is time to the place have penguins now I was at the place have penguins but the penguin all swme down in the sea it only have that I can see a storm hit on the penguin then the penguin turn into a time machine.
George 100wc y3 nz
As I set out I thought about all the missing ships “what happened to them?” “Why did we lose contact?”I was setting out to find out.As we plotted a course to the place where it probably would be. As we entered rougher seas we decreased the amount of times we went on deck .After many weeks of tiresome journey we finally spotted the raging storm .We entered the storm prow first because we wanted to know what had caused it. category 10 winds whipped the shielded cabin. We lifted almost 60 m above the water. We were glad when we got out.
one stormy night there were two girls called Ruby and poppy they were playing there favourite game. All of a sudden the lights went out it was pitch black they were so freaked out of there bodies . the violent storm was getting louder , stronger and more scary . they heard a thud then a big smash, the chandelier fell to the floor then a big strip of lightening came... The storm calmed down until they heard a thump thump thump. I wonder what that was? Something was happening above their heads. what could it be whats happing to us they screamed!!!
Joshy and Barney 100wc YR3 4 NZL
This violent storm was crazy,Mr Cappa was cooking a pancake when a super windy storm flipped the pancake on to his forehead.This pancake was boiling enough to give him concussion.When he woke up he was in the hospital and every thing he looked at looked like a storm.That night there were no one in his room and all the security cameras were off.So he ran off out of the building to see if his family was okay.73 people ran after him shouting “GET THAT MAN”there were people chasing him in cars even the police were after him.
100 wc Cohen and Cooper Y4
Zooming across the race track half way on the final f-1 lap the violent storm was getting closer. It was huge gigantic windy tornado it was rampaging threw the race sucking every think up and it hit the racers up too. There was no survivors except Cohen and Cooper. The whole stadium crumbled slowly down then there was no such thing as F-1. Went home hopping it was a dream. I woke up oh I am glad that is a dream I went down stairs and had breakfast. As I was hugging mom and lived happily ever after.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
George Y3 100wc NZ
The cool blooded creature is 1.67 meters in length. Its flickering green eyes are the last thing its prey sees before it dies. Its body shape is like that of a snake. It feeds upon farm animals that live on nearby farms.60 thin trails of slime shoot menacingly out of each scale. Inside its mouth are 6 fangs that gleam in the moonlight.Fur coated legs pin down any prey within a 50 cm radius.When it screams it sends a low moaning.Its head is as sharp as a razor bladeIts fur flashes gold as it stalks through snow and undergrowth.
Sol Y4 100wc NZ
If you walk out on a misty midnight with no moon out of the dark you will see a nightmarishly scary figure the screeming orc. The seven meter tall orc is the scaryist creature in town. This animal has razer sharp mandeballs that can cut through solid aluminium but if your kind to this scary menace it will turn cute and cudly. But warning no matter how much they beg and no matter how much it pleads never feed it after MIDNIGHT. Obey this RULE or else the concequenses are going to be bad infact badder then bad so bad I can’t tell you.
CJ Y3 100wc NZ
This cold blooded creature is the meanest of its species. The fang dragon has a giagantic head the size of a school bus and fangs as big as a desk. This slimy colossal flying serpent has dazzling yellow eyes for night vision.When this dragon is irratible spikes on his massive tail appear. This dragons only weakness is when being tickled on the tummy. The fang dragon the fang dragon has four eyes and can see in all directions. The fang dragon can eat anything the size of a slide or smaller.If you ever see him you better call ‘ run!‘His wings are like giant doors.
Esme and Imogen Y3 100wc NZ
Big fangs hanging from his jaws they almost touch the floor. The fearsome kind has returned! He has huge, fiery, red beady eyes and sharp pointy claws will rip your jaws apart. It’s favourite food is human’s flesh no matter how far away you are he comes crashing down and destroys your town. He lives in a cave right at the top of a rocky mountain where no one dears to go! The scariest thing you’ve ever seen is HIM! If you ever see him he will get you because he’s the most dangerous creature living AAAAAAAAA!!! or something like that!
Rose Y3 100wc NZ
In one hand was a pointy arrow with blood on it. A blue eye bigger then the other. Also hair messier then his clothes.With flies surrounded around him. In his was his own demen witch was a flee.Feet longer then his body. Hes got blue watery eyes. With humugus ears bigger then his head! with a cat mouth. It says”me kill you”he says that all the time. He has the ichyst beared EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When ever he walks out the door a head comes rolling out!!!! he makes silver puddles everywhere gross ahy and beware of him.and if you didnt listen bad things will happen.
Ming Y4 100wc NZ
A vampire flue from a house to a house until he got in a forest. The vampire looks so black that wen it’s night time you can’t see him. He only has one eye and his eye was lice a pese of glass rolled with mud and his leg is two penguin up side down. His arm is like two swords the swords is hard as a rock and sharp as paper. He lives in a pile of mud , In the pile of mud there’s a house in that house there’s a room and in that room boo! the vampire eats you.
Poppy and Lucy Y3 100wc NZ
Bloody stains and silver puddles everywhere. His name is Creepy Peepy Blood. His house says eye love fresh flesh. His letter box says: Number: Flesh eating monster. The only words he says is “Yummy yummy flesh. There’s one strnge thing about Creepy Peepy Blood is he loves ice cream even more even more then blod and flesh so good for him. Because if you be really nice to him he will be nice back! But don’t touch his head because he will get blood all over you. Pluss he has a lot of fleas.He is a bit scary right.
AnaElsie 100 wc y3 nz
With saliva coming from his mouth dripping on the ground and shredding the walls he could cut you right in half. But he didn’t have jaws, and would not try and hurt you. It was a friendly black and white striped blob but was scary and had a good gripe.It was the darkest black you had ever seen ,and had the whitest white you had ever seen.When he slides down the hall he leaves a super slimy black and white trail it never stops being super slimy it was gross to see. Not a nice sight YUCK!
Gala and Alex Y3 100wc NZ
The most fearsome creature is her, it’s just frightful.Her hair is half black half white with devilish horns to match, she has a sickly yellow face. It’s really freaky the way she’s got one eye blue and one eye green.Her fangs poke out of her crooked smile and strech down her neck.She always wears a particular black and white dress that billows out behind her.
She’s got a massive red wart on the side of her nose.She was expelled from school for drinking ink! It’s like she’s legless she’s Curealla Devil.
Myles and TedY3100wc NZL
On the night of Halloween i was walking down the street collecting chocolate and lollies. As i approached the last and spookiest house of them all i knocked on the door feeling terrified.The door creaked open then i entered the spookiest house i had ever seen suddenly i saw a mean green zombie.Its brain was coming out of his head he had a big black beard growing down to his neck.He also had red veins sticking out of his arms his eyes were as big as tennis balls with big red pupils. And thats the ferocious monster that lives there.
Barney M Y4 100wv NZ
If you go in a abandoned arcade shop youll find a terrifying ghost from the game pacman but hes more terrifying than ever. He has blue creepy brite glowing eyes, green glowing body with two belly buttons. He has teeth that point out from its cheeks and two vampier teeth that if thay bite you die through agonising death ... but his mane enemy is pacman. Pacman is a red round person and he has a triangular mouth. Did I mention the monster has claws that can slice you through so never go to a abandond arcade without bringing the really cool pacman.
Flynn Y4 100wc NZL
Poisonous and raser sharp teeth, Green diamand skin and green fluffy and poisonous fur this creature is called the Mysteryrapter it also has raser sharp wings, a Pteradactal head, faster than light,claw like feet, 3cm wingspan,2cms long, 1cm wide.(not including the wings) the last thing it’s prey seen’s is its glowing fur.(because it only huntsat night)If they wanted to live in space they could even water or in the ground so it could pretty much live anywhere. It would normanly go to army bases and eat the tanks and trucks so it wouldn’t be hunted.
Barney C100wcY3NZL
This cold blooded creature is the meanest of its species. It can climb faster then crawl it was the self spider .It had deadly sharp teeth with bright red blood pouring out of them.This strange type of spider lived in huge caves that even a diplodocus could fit in it. this lives in huge caves because when big predators come come looking for a new home it can hide on the dark, dark roof then it jumps off it on to its prey.P.S.This big cave is easy to find.It walks on 4 legs and is as fast as a Cheater.
Cam100wc y3NZL
Coming out of the shadow is a freaky bat flying so no-one could see is the weird type bat.He is black with eyes the coulor of blood with scratures underneth.If you get close he will bite with his razor sharp fangs.His ears are sharper than a kinfe.He grabbes around branches tightly to sleep upside down in day time.Their is only one type of their species.He has two gigantic eyes to help him see in the dark.His real home is the cave of death but now his home is this haunted house that has slime everywhere on the tyled ground.
lucas & joshy 100wc y4 nzl
One windy night in a freaky looking house. in the house was a five feet tall slimy looking creature it only had one eye like a cyclops.he also has the sharpest teeth of his kind. He actually lives under ground. Under the house it is bigger then the normal house he only goes out side at 1o’clock. if someone sees him he would bring them to the house for breakfast. he cuts him or her with his deadly teeth. into human squares. The next day he heard someone walking on top of his big hut. He went up and bang.
Ruby year3 100wc!
Rolling in sticky goo, dragging her long tail along the ground my creature has the most smartest brain ever. She has terrifying wings she has such sharp teeth that it only takes one bite to eat a slippery slug. Her claws are so sharp that they can dig right through the walls. This creature is mean, bossy and incredibly disgusting. When she gets angry her face gets red like a rose then she turns into a bat and flies far away. She finds a tree and makes a little nest then she flies back. Her name is little Miss Brainstein.
Josh R 100wc y3 nzl
4 heads, legs,4 arms what an ugly monster as tall as my lounge. it spits meteorites. An eye and two mouths on the stomach where ever it go’s rain and lightning storms follow him. He screeches a bloodcurdling screech when he’s about to attack at all other times he’s as quiet as a feather this lizard is evil. It’s favorite meal is unicorn it loves the crunchiness. if you look into it’s eyes for a minute you turn to stone.This monster lives under the ground.
Joshua H 100wc y3 NZ
With red glowing eyes 5 cm each side slimy and spiky monster is coming to a house. I peeked inside it was full with tricks and traps I taked a look around evrything was creepy and spooky, another man enterd screaming like a girl, I wonder who frightened him? “A monster outside!” said the man “maybe it’s the monster who owe the-” before I said house I herd a creek “what was that?” I said. I saw the monster makeing sure the house is empty “The monster!’’ the man shouted but when I woke up it was a nightmare wow!
Cohen M yr4 100 wc NZ
He is the goblin he has fangs as sharp as knifes and he kills humans and eat there flesh and meat and kills them with the blade of souls. He has killed many men too. He has long pointy ears and he has a neckalace with teeth. His skin coulor is lite brown with blood duribiling down his mouth. His clothes are rugged black and brown and he lives in a firey umogous volcano called mount doom. He is fearsom and mean and not scared. He has bright glowing red eyes he is a mutated elf hear me now BOO!
Joshy Y4 100wc NZ
One windy night in a little village was a boy named Lucas. It was the windiest day in the country. There was the thickest Tornado ever. Lucas was so scared that he was staring at the Tornado. The tornado approached him closer and closer. The house ripped off the ground. Lucas's family got sucked in. The day after the day the Tornado came was a sunny day. Lucas survived the tornado everybody else died. It was so hot. slowey dream land. Lucas woke up and was on top of a horse.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Rory 100wc Y3 NZ
It was slowly getting darker. The wolves were howling, the walls were shaking, the windows were cracking. I was scared. I was in Russia on Holiday. It was noon in the morning it was a big storm. In the morning I went out side it was chaos. I was amazed. Mum and Dad were asleep.They would be amazed. Everyone came out on the street and tidied up. I helped my next door neighbour get a tree off his car. Someone got glass in his eyes. He went to the hostpital. I felt bad for him. We tidied up everything on the street.
Esme & Imogen 100wc y3 nzl
Just when I thought everything couldn’t get eny more worse the sky slowly got darker, I felt like I was in a curse, I thought for a minute just then lightning struck ZAP!!! The lightning hit the ground and formed a big crack. Then the thunder came BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Drip Drip Drip rain instantly came pouring down.High winds were blowing and roofs started flying off houses I couldn’t see a thing I could only hear peple screaming and crying. Then everything stopped. It was a lovely summers morning mabey it was just a dream or was it? BOOM!!!
Gala and Alex 100wc Y3 NZ
All of a sudden we were plunged into darkness...Milly and Molly stopped playing cards. wind howled, lightning came out of no where and struck the earth. Slowly the sky got darker as something fell with a crash that shook the house. Milly screamed as Molly just dodged a piece of celling that was falling. Dad rushed in “quick get out, the oak tree fell on the house quickly!’‘ The girls dashed outside. “oh no’’ Molly moaned ‘’ this is terrible ‘’Milly complained. “How much money will it take to repair this?” sighed Dad. ‘Can I get my jacket please’.
cooper 100wc y4 nz
2020 day 83 since the first Kagu attacked San Fransisco right now it is slowly getting darker. Three cities are destroyed we are still thinking on what to do. Suddenly we had a plan to build monsters of our own. The Jaeger program. We started winning but one day all of that changed. Initiating launch operation gypsy danger deploying in 321 deploy. Scanning Kagu codname Knifehead cat3. Gast as Gipsy danger and Knifehead were about to fight Knifehead put hes Knife went into Gipsy danger’s head. Gipsy danger died it was they end of the world. I wounded was this going to stop. No it was not.
Rose 100wc yr3 NZ!
..Slowly the sky got darker...the street lights were off and people were whispering and screaming. The next day it was Halloween. People were wearing their costumes. People were gobbling up alot of lollies as they were walking. People were jumping up and down. Just then someone had scremed help and hopefully it was just a person that got scared. People were laughing and giggling. It was sutch a dark night. and people were crying I dont want to go home. Five hours later everybody was tucked in bed. Every body had a grand Halloween. Everybody was happy.
Lucy and Ana y3 NZL!
One strange day two little girls called Lucy and Ana went to Lucy’s house. They were playing in the Lounge when ... they saw a very strange looking ship out the window. “look it looks like an old USA army boat.” Then Ana said “ Lucy Lucy look it has guns on it.” Slowly the sky got darker. “ Dinner time girls” Lucy’s mum shouted! For diner they had:Tomatoes with pasta.Then all of a sudden the lights went out And.Everything went ship shaped.Then they all started hearing gun noises.So they make a dash for it and ran and did not stop
at all.
Poppy 100wc Y3 NZ
I closed my eyes suddenly I herd a foot step coming from down stairs I opened my eyes and I jumped to the staircase and ran down stars and I checked the kitchen I looked in the rooms and then I new it. It was coming from out side. I ran to the door and opened it. As soon as I opened it I got out of the door I felt a huge freezing breeze running through my hear. I looked up at the sky and the sky was getting darker and darker because the clouds were covering my head.
Josh R 100wc y3 NZL
One night I was fast asleep then I got woken up by a windy noise suddenly the roof got riped up it was a tornado! I looked for something to hold on to I found a crack in the wall I ran as fast as I could I nearly got there but got sucked up.I was stuck in the tornado for two days with cars hiting me slowy the sky got darker at the end of the third day I was starving olso as skiny as a bible! the tornado stoped I landed safely but a car fell on me.
Ming 100wc Y4 NZ
Slowly the sky got darker and darker and darker a space ship cut the sunshine on the earth. Then the sun is so hot it burnt the space ship into metre water and it tore into clouds then it is raining metal today. It is raining for one whole year on the Earth. After billions of billions of billions of years then alot of mud caved the metal into lot of layers then lots of people came and dug for the metal under the ground to make
Barney 100wc y4 nzl
On a sunny day a boat was sailing on Mars. The crew was watching the Millkyway when a chocolate man was flying in a donut ship he was saying “attack that boat” so the boat ran away to saturn but they got frozen. Help came but they got frozen to. A weird guy came and said “lets through boom boom sticks at the planet so they did it. CABOM went the planet so the boat got safe and the help got help to and the boat got to Earth but sadly the sky got darker and every one went home.
Lucas 100wc year 4 NZL
hi my name is stilton. I don’t really mean to be rude but it’s 12oclock at night and plus the wind is whistling like gosts out side. mostly creeks my house. anyway i’ll see you in the morning. and meanwhile Geronimo was sleeping slowly the sky got darker suddenly lightlning struck and the wind got louder and louder. good moning oh i forgot i work for the new mouse city news paper and i’m going there now. hmm what should i write thinking for 5 minutes ah ha now what i should write last night was the windiest night ever.
George 100wc Y3 NZ
I looked out of the window. The horses were running around in circles. How odd I thought what's that V-shaped thing on the horizon? Then I noticed it was getting bigger. ”Hurricane” I shouted.Dad came in “What's wrong?” He asked “It’s the sky." I said “It’s getting darker because of the hurricane, and it’s going to hit us.” “Don’t be silly the thing you're looking at is the tree” “ No you're looking in the wrong place it’s behind it” “Oh my god. You're absolutely right son I’ll warn the police." After Dad had alerted the police we went into our underground shelter.
Cj 100wc Y3 NZ
One stormy night when hurricane like winds were blowing and gigantic rain drops were hitting the roof like cricket balls slowly the sky got darker. The walls were shuddering and lightning was crackling like rampaging light. The wind was so strong it blew over everything in its path. my bed was shaking violently that night, I got no sleep at all.That morning I sprinted downstairs then opened the door and ran onto the street and saw destruction everywhere.There was a tree on a car sticks and seaweed on the road trampolines had been blown onto neighbours roofs boats had crashed.
Ted and Myles 100wc year 3 NZ
As the big hairy ogre rampaged though the city slowly the sky got darker. The buildings crumbled as the ogre stomped around the city waking everyone up. But super man came to save the day he sprinted up the stairs and leaped out the window then landed on the ogre with a big thud!!! Super man jumped off the ogre and landed on his feet. He wrapped a long rope around the ogres feet and made the ogre fall over it made a deffening bang and made a tremendous crack in the ground.Everyone cheered for super man because it was defeated. Yes!
Cam 100wc Y3 NZL
One night of Halloween the wind was howling quietly and it got louder and louder.There were people sitting on the beach water front as the sky was at sunset already.Slowly the sky got darker and wolves came and started howling trees whistling slowly.The windows started to crack because the wolves were still howling and the trees were whistling louder.I was inside watching TV and suddenly the power went out.I looked out the window it was pitch black i couldn’t see a thing.That night i thought about what treats i got from trick or treat last night it was so tiring.
Barney C100wcY3 NZ
On the night of Halloween,when the wind grow louder slowly the sky got darker.Suddenly MR Cappa pulled the blind up from his after noon sleep, There were people ringing the doorbell and tricker treating.“Off you go I gave you the diary keys.”He locked the door with a big grin on his face.He got going garbage bin sized bag “he was the biggest sweat tooth I know nowonder he worked at the diary.”He went to Ment Margrets house she had a pile of lolies last year.Then to Phillip Huccles house that night he had a big feast.
Flynn 100 wc Y4 NZL
In a small house a kid called Danny was playing on his tablet one night then suddenly...the window opened as in what or who could it be? It was his little sister Amy then she said“Please don’t tell anyone Danny’‘then there was a big BOOM! then Danny’s tablet lost signal what could it be it was the sound of an Alien invasion zaping people into Aliens and all you could hear was people screaming but then a brave kid called Flynn , Danny’s best mate and he had seen Aliens before so he knew there weakness he won!
One strange day a little girl called Ruby went trick or treating with her best friend Elise. “Hey look Elise we’ve got a basket full of lollies lets go home.”On the way home kids were running and screaming everywhere. All of a sudden the wind was whistling slowly the sky got darker. They sprinted home as fast as they could...finally they got home they knocked on the door...but no one was home. They saw something moving in the kitchen it was creeping them out ...few it was only Ruby’s little sister getting some chocolate from the fridge!
Cohen M 100wc y4 nz
I sat comfortably in my beenbag as I was whacthing a movie. Suddenly it became windy and rainy slowly the sky got darker and the power went off there was a flash of lighting came. I ran outside I saw a zombie it was a real zombie apopalyes. I locked up the cemetery “good thats over.” I ran to my home but I got sucked up by a gigantic windy tornado “please no.” I woke up oh I am glad thats a dream. I went down stairs I got some breakfast. I looked out the window “its not a dream.”
Joshua H 100wc Yr3 NZ
When I played it was so much fun until it was bed time. Slowly the sky got darker, the owls do their sound lightning struck until a power cut came,evreything went dark I don’t know why. My dad had a lamp, I was afraid of the dark even my sister. I saw my shadow on the door I went to my bedroom to get my sky landers out, it was quite dark that I coldn’t see a thing.when my mum returned the power cut was gone “yay! The power cut was gone.”
I got back into my bed warmly.
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