Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rory 100 y3 NZ

I remember when dad went to war with his friend. They were in a submarine. They both were gunners. The submarine was called Destroyer. 66 people were on board and 5 survived. It was a stormy night they came to a random cruise ship. It looked like it had been smashed but they didn’t do it. It was a bad submarine. It shot. It blew us up. We tried to get but it was too late. His friend died. My dad got out just before he died. He was so sad that his friend had died.  

1 comment:

  1. Ms Woodgate (team100wc) Maidstone, UKNovember 18, 2013 at 8:33 AM

    Hello Rory,

    Well done for entering this week's 100wc. You have written an exciting story, lots happened in your few words. Take care to check you work makes sense throughout, you went from telling us about your father then put yourself in the story.

    You are clearly full of good ideas and keep up the great work.
