Saturday, November 9, 2013


It was April fools day and I was still thinking of a trick to play on my brothers. Suddenly I had a brainwave, this would trick them! I sprinted down to the duck pond. I had just enough time to get it ready. I stuck two sticks in the mud and perched my gumboots on top just to complete it. I arranged some old jeans under the gumboots and hurried home. I persuaded my brothers to go to the duck pond. They screamed and dived into the pond when they saw the gumboots. They were soaking when they came out. “I can’t believe you fell for it” I said.

1 comment:

  1. Alex and Gala,
    This is a very funny story and made me laugh. I'm glad I'm not your older brothers!
    Well structured story with a good start, middle & end that makes it flow along nicely.
    Your writing is getting better and better.
