Wednesday, November 13, 2013

CJ 100wc Y3 NZL

I am an experienced scientist and I am making a stupendous potion for remembering. So far I have put in frog guts snake vomit and seagull feet then boiled them together. Now I am thinking what else to put in when the lights went out and I got an idea. I put two wires in and flicked the switch they where attached to. The potion fizzled bubbled and frothed then it all stopped immediately I tried it I swallowed it and I remembered everything from my childhood my first science contest and I won it I said ‘Yay!’ and’ Oh yeah wow.'


  1. Dad says " I love it"!!!! Well done CJ.

  2. CJ,
    I'm glad I didn't have to drink your potion - it sounds super yucky!
    Great spelling, there are some tricky words in that story.

  3. Well done, CJ. This was a very imaginative idea. The potion sounds disgusting - I think you would have to mix it so the yucky taste would be the only thing you could forget! Thanks for sharing.
    Mr Leatherdale (Team 100) Essex, UK
