Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lucas and Cohen Y4 NZL

Kumusta, we are so sorry that the typhoon hit your country.  Our school is Muritai and we are raising money to buy food and fresh water for you. We hope you are alright and safe and hope that the Philippines won’t have a typhoon again. I love your country because it is nice and peaceful and the whole world is thinking about you because of the news. If that happened to us we would think we were in a dream. I hope you have enough food and water we feel very sorry that all the destruction happened in the Philippines. From Lucas and Cohen


  1. You have written a very kind letter together boys. A nice touch to use 'Kumusta' to begin your writing.

  2. Hi Lucas and Cohen
    What a supportive message you have written, I agree with Miss Savage that using Kumusta to open your writing is a thoughtful touch. You have brought words of hope to the people from the Philippines, well done
    Miss T team 100wc winchester, England
