Wednesday, November 20, 2013

FLYNN 100 wc Y4 NZL

I feel sorry for you and your country because I can’t even imagine how sad you are but ... pretty much every country on earth is helping you by raising money and,The UK has raised £33 million! The reason why were raising money is because we’re not selfish, we care for every country and everybody on Earth so we all have a better life. So listen, if all of the countries were selfish and the Philippines would probably be a bunch of lonely islands. So that is the main reason why we are raising money. You’ll never be alone.


  1. This is such a heartfelt, thoughtful letter Flynn. I think I'd like to know that help was on its way and that people across the world were thinking of me.

  2. Well done writing a response to the prompt, it was quite a difficult one this week. It certainly has been a horrific event for the people of the Philippines. I like the way you have written a message of hope for the people of the Philippines. It is also a great idea to inform them of practical help that is on its way. I think you could have ended your response with a bit more encouragement. Well done on your excellent spelling.
