Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Barney C 100wc Y3 NZL

“Kumasta my name is Barney and I hope you are ok from the deafening winds. Our school (Muritai) is raising money to help your country same as lot’s of other countrys. This was one of the worlds worst disasters (probably the worst typhoon). Soon you will have fresh water and a good food suply. It must be so hard living with nothing except demolished buildings and people. Hope fully none of your familly got in injured because there is no hospitals. P.S. I hope you will survive same as your familly “I wish you all my hope and good luck.”


  1. A lovely idea to use 'Kumusta' to begin your writing Barney. This is a very thoughtful message, especially your final line.

    Good use of brackets today in your writing.

  2. Hello Barney. You have spoken directly to a reader which will get them more involved in your writing. Make sure that you read back through to check your spellings - drop the y and change to ies on the end of country to countries.
    A lovely letter.
    Miss Willing
    Team 100WC
    Huntingdon, England
