The windows blew open “Come in dear friends and sit by the worm fire.” came a voice from the window. “but wait, who are you?” “I will tell you inside, the door swung open it looked inviting, anxiously the men creeped into the crackling black house. “I feel sick.” “be brave.” CRACK!!! They both fell through a trap door. “sorry guys.” “I’ll get my dog Spike to save you.” Spike jumped in, the trap door slammed shut. They had been tricked they had been trapped. They heard an evil laugh above them. “Wolf” Spike barcked loudly HELP!!! They both yelled.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Esme and Gala Y3 100wc NZL
“What about the kid? “oh yeah, I forgot” “wait I’ve got an idea follow me” the two snuck round the back. They didn’t realise that two gleaming green eyes were watching them from the spooky haunted house, as they tiptoed through the darkness. Suddenly there was a CRACK! Then a cry and then “Help!” The kid. We have to save it before it’s too late. They devised a plan on the rooftop. Got it? Right let’s go. Wait a minute, what’s that green light? “The kid’s in danger, come on let’s do this thing.”one request can we do it like ninjas? Sigh,fine.
100wc Alex and Lucy yr3 Nz.
“Come on Violet we’ve got to go, this is the wrong house. The person who lives here is a major enemy of mine.” “If thats the case we’d better go John ” replied Violet.They sprinted to the car and Violet started driving.They were driving so fast the doors swung outwards. Then they both started smelling something gross, like something had died. John looked back and there was a dead body in the back. Then they spotted that he was not dead in fact it was not a human it was their enemies cat. Then all of a sudden the cat pounced at the driving wheel.
Flynn and Lucas 100wc Y4 NZL
“GET THE KEYS NOW!’’ “Got’em!’’ “Get in the car!’’But something was horribly wrong with there car. “I think I should use my police powder?’’ “Yes but quickly!’’ In one minute they covered the whole car with police powder. “I knew it. Something with wings destroyed the engine!’’ “Uh...dude?’‘What?!’’ “Well I don’t know if you have noticed but your sworn enemy is getting closer, run!’’ “But what with wings could of possibly destroyed the engine?’’ “The bat caves!’’ “Sure.’’ When they got to the bat caves they both realised that they made a big mistake. “AH! Vampire bats!’’
Rory Y3 and Ming Y4 NZ 100wc
Oh no quick we have to go somewhere safe otherwise we will die. Quick go in the car turn on the car then drive as fast as you can. On the way back home Jack told his girlfriend what was happening. "is at happening?" "yes" said Jacks girlfriend. When jack was eight years old one night he went for a walk in forest by him self then Jack heard a sound that said I caught your dad. That sounded from that house said jack. Lets go in. They went in the house. "Dad" said jack. "son" said dad. Lets go home" said jack.
Barney C 100wc NZL Y3
Darn it! The wrong address get in the car they’re chasing us; go to Fred's farm he's got everything. When they arrived they knocked on the door furiously Fred opened it in a flash. He asked them what do you want “we’re being chased we need you and your things” he puffed loudly. He was about 10 or 8 minutes behind us, “I want a sharp sharp pitch fork I'm going to do some threatening,” “he needs to get away from me.” here it is I don't know what to do with it. You go.”

Oh no this is the wrong address. This is my arch enemies house we have to leave right now! Quickly get into the car it's unlocked your faster than me so run ahead and start the engine “okay” said Fred by the time Jack got there Fred was ready to drive off. As soon as he got in Fred sped off really fast. Jack
didn't even have time to put his seatbelt on. When they looked out the window to there horror they saw their arch enemy. Barney the bounty hunter's car was following their jeep.
Joshua H 100 wc Y3 muritai school NZ
“Help!!!” he ran as fast as he could “I’m at the wrong address” he was almost at Rundee’s supply store “I need supplies!” Rundee asked him back “why do you need supplies I’m closing my st-” Rumble rumble rumble “oh I get it” a few seconds later. “Thanks Rundee.” then the watcher was a monster! “hey monster take this one” he threw the supplies into the monsters mouth suddenly the monster was acting strange and was doing strange things like putting his head into the toilet! Soon he disappeared. Poof! “Maybe IM in a comic?” the comic was on earth.
Josh R 100wc y3 nzl
They had met before at a party. He was the sushi cutter he went crazy and chopped somebody's head off. His name was: Sam! He vanished from the window and they waited. When they thought the coast was clear they ran into the bush but it was to late Sam had a jet pack! He put it on and followed them from above. But he stopped and turned back it was safe. They got into the car and turned, drove to the most wise person in the city:Harold. He was a farmer but still wise but he wasn’t there! He had vanished.
As they saw the man watching them they ran for the bush. They heard something creeping towards them. They stopped in a sudden they stared into the dark night not knowing what it was ... bang what was that? Jumping out of the opposite bush to them was an old man, the old man said “run go your enemy is coming” they looked up at the window the man in the window was gone. They ran off they looked back the old man was being chased I knew I’d seen that guy before. I told you we were wrong!
George and Solomon 100wc NZL Y3/4
It’s the man who made the human shredder. So they ran from the old crickety house. ”We need professor comic strip a.k.a book. ” I said. He will tell us where or who this person and that mysterious figure that always seems to be following. Later at the professors lab”Okay I get the point. I think I have the potion that will tell you everything you need to know. Now drink up and have a nice doze". During there doze they knew everything the professor said they would. Then they defeated the bad guy and turned the human shredder off.
Esme and Imogen Y3 100wc
"Hey sis, remember that time when we were having a pic-nic in that mysterious jungle?" asked Isabella looking over at the jungle. "Oh yeah." replied Isabelle. "There were little baskets hanging from tree branches we would pick them and have a picnic under our favourite tree as fairy dust formed round us. One time when we were enjoying picnic when the ground started to vibrate thump huge footsteps were coming towards us we could no longer hear them only see them." "A giant ogre appeared out of the mist." "Well at least it's not happening now come on sis lets go play a game." "Thump!" "AAAAAAA!!!!!"
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Cam & Cohen 100wc NZL
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Ruby and Poppy Y3 NZL
Kumusta our names are ruby and poppy. we have heard about the horrible, scary storm you have had. we can’t believe that some of have survived it must be really hard and scary. So we have decided to help out so muritai is going to rase lots of money. We can feel in our hearts how hard it will be if some of your family members have died. our teacher read us a story about how the houses on the beach got flooded to bits. and now you can’t live in your lovely houses. we hope for the best it must be frustrating.
Lucas and Cohen Y4 NZL
Kumusta, we are so sorry that the typhoon hit your country. Our school is Muritai and we are raising money to buy food and fresh water for you. We hope you are alright and safe and hope that the Philippines won’t have a typhoon again. I love your country because it is nice and peaceful and the whole world is thinking about you because of the news. If that happened to us we would think we were in a dream. I hope you have enough food and water we feel very sorry that all the destruction happened in the Philippines. From Lucas and Cohen
To someone out there in the Philippines I have heard your country is on verge of collapse so muritai school is kindly going to help raise money to save you and your family and I really hope that food and water gets to you also the RAF from Britain and the RNZAF have sent many planes. Filled with supplies to help you and your country to keep. The Philippines healthy and safe and lots of planes that are going to be taking people to a city in the Philippines that has not been destroyed at all have a good time.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Rory 100wc Y3 NZ
Hello the philippines my name is Rory Moffat. Most of the world is collecting money to get food for you. I felt really bad for you.The Typhoon was a big storm. The uk raised $33 million! I would be so sorry and hamlets.If my family die I would be so sad.The whole world is sad exspshle me.My school is called Muritiai must of horbole in the midle of the night.Im 8 years old .Food is coming fast.Please just remember what I say “ food well come to your aliteroted. Cuntry and just to know your not alone.
Joshua H 100 wc yr3
I know that your house is destroyed and you have no food and clean water but the charity group has rased over $1000 that will be huge amount of money for food and water. It will might rebuild houses, schools and shops. That will be very nice will it? but if you don’t have shops you won’t be healthy, strong and you won’t have lots of energy so remember that now. If I was in a typhoon I will be horryfied and a flood will be appearing so I will not be in a typhoon. Bye.
Lucy Y3 100wc NZ
Kumusta my name is Lucy I heard about your country I hope by the time you have got this you are safe, with lot’s of food and water. Also we have raised some money for you we have donated some money and we’re going to buy food and send it to you! And hopefully the typhoon didn’t hurt all of your family. Anyway here’s a joke: Why did the whale cross the road? To get to the other side. Anyway I hope your country is alright and.We wish you the best ! Paalam na ho!
Barney M Y4 100wc NZ
Kumusta Philippines. I am so very very sorry about your lovely country. I heard what happened on the news . That silly typhoon wont strike again. We’re trying to get as much money as we can we are sending supplies as fast as we can. England raised £33, 0000. In NZ Lower Hutt, Wellington, Eastbourne, Muritai School we have a poster that says Phiippines and we covered the letters with money. We raised $1200 I bet that can keep you going for a day or two. Also England sent Army people to help you. Also my name is Barney.
Alex & Imogen 100 wc y3
Help is coming your way. People think world’s donations will help you. We hope you do not have any serious injuries. We are really sorry for you and it is so sad that such a beautiful country has been so badly destroyed. We do so very wish that the typhoon had not hit you. By the time we have finished donating for you we hope you will have food, lots of fresh water and lots of decent, cosy homes. Lots of good thoughts, luck and hope for you. Love from Imogen and Alex. Paalam na ho.
100 wc Ana Elsie Nz y3
Kumusta! Dear people of the Philippines, I heard of your typhoon disaster you had. I feel very sorry for you. You have lost a lot of family that have died. New Zealand wishes you lots of luck. Luckily most of you survived through the horribly windy storm. Muritai School are donating money for your food and water so that you can survive so are lots of other schools and countries. Your country should get healthier and healthier as we help you and your country. Happy days love from Ana and Elsie. Paalam na ho!
ESME &GALA 100wcY3 nz
Kumusta how are you going guys? We saw the news and we feel sorry for you. this might cheer you up, knock knock “Who’s there?’’ “Rice” “rice who?’’ “rice you down to the end of the road!” Here’s another one , "Knock knock" “who’s there?” “finger” “finger who?” “finger just broke your door knocker” Hope you get your food soon, we are thinking about you all the time. Our school raised $1220.60c for you! We hope you are okay and feel better now. All our hope Gala and Esme! guys are really, really, really awesome!!! Paalam na ho.
‘‘Kumusta this is Myles & Ted we feel really sorry for what happened to you.” “I hope you are alright.” “lots of school are razing money for your country.” “Our school is also donating some money for your country.” “We can't imagine how terrifying it would be in the massive typhoon because we have never experienced one before.” “We saw what happened to the houses and shops.” “ most of what we could see in the video was smashed up buildings and houses.” “ Lots of food, money and help is coming your way.” “Soon you will be ok.”
FLYNN 100 wc Y4 NZL
I feel sorry for you and your country because I can’t even imagine how sad you are but ... pretty much every country on earth is helping you by raising money and,The UK has raised £33 million! The reason why were raising money is because we’re not selfish, we care for every country and everybody on Earth so we all have a better life. So listen, if all of the countries were selfish and the Philippines would probably be a bunch of lonely islands. So that is the main reason why we are raising money. You’ll never be alone.
Josh R 100wc Y3 NZL
I know about the typhoon I am sorry for the storm but help is on the way so is food and water. If I was you I would be the saddest person on the planet so your not as sad as ME. I found out on the news. You used to be such a beautiful country but now house’s are everywhere. we are sending some people to help you clean up and let you eat and drink. I got a joke that will cheer you up. What did the filling say to his boss “Im going to FILL out this paperwork.”
Cj 100wc Y3 NZ
Hello the people of the Philippines .Here in New Zealand I have heard about the typhoon called Haiyan and the whole world has too.Everybody is doing as much as possible and here at Muritai school we are having a day were we all bring in money.We have raised one thousand two hundred and twelve dollars.I think if I had no home no food and no water I would be devastated.Right now billions of billions of people are donating money so I think you will make it through!If I could I would send lots and lots of food to you.
Cam100wc y3 nzl
Kumusta, I have heard all about the typhoon that struck the Philippines. To help,we are going to bring gold coins in and make the word Philippines and send food and clean water to your country. This typhoon was bad by destroying your towns as it made landfall four times. The UK have all ready raised £ 33 million pounds! We hope no-one is lost that is in your family and you will get a new house to live in. I feel bad for you in a hot country and with no water. I’m Cam from Muritai school in Eastbourne in New Zealand.
Barney C 100wc Y3 NZL
“Kumasta my name is Barney and I hope you are ok from the deafening winds. Our school (Muritai) is raising money to help your country same as lot’s of other countrys. This was one of the worlds worst disasters (probably the worst typhoon). Soon you will have fresh water and a good food suply. It must be so hard living with nothing except demolished buildings and people. Hope fully none of your familly got in injured because there is no hospitals. P.S. I hope you will survive same as your familly “I wish you all my hope and good luck.”
George 100wc Y3 nz
My name is George and I live in NZ. At my school we have a piece of paper with the word Philippines in big letters on it and we’re going to fill it with coins. But we’re not the only people giving you food and water the UK has already raised £ 33000000! I hope that by the end of this month you will have a reliable food and water supply. if I were there I wouldn’t be able to belive a typhoon could do so much damage. It must be very sad to find that your village was destroyed in the night.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Yesterday I remembered when Mum went Christmas shopping to buy the presents for the family. ‘‘Umm Mum could you please buy some turkey for dinner, pleeease’‘I begged ‘‘O.k. sweetie if I can remember’‘she replied. This is one thing I should tell you about my Mum, she never remembers anything. ‘Yeah right’ I muttered under my breath, and guess what! She for got the turkey! “Oh Mum" I complained ‘you’re always so bad at remembering!’ I was really annoyed at her, ‘sorry sweetheart’ Mum whispered. I was so angry that I stomped to my room to sulk, after about ten minutes I went to find Mum. She went to buy the turkey but she forgot the milk!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Rose Y3 100wc NZ
One morning I said to my mum’‘Mum do you remember when Lucy died?”, yes.’‘mum can you tell me the story?’‘ sure, mum said. And this is how it started. Lucy had just came out of the supermarket and suddenly Lucy‘s heart stopped beating. “Poor her that would be horrible.’‘yes it was.” Mum I'm just going to go to sleep to forget about it. Ok mum said. A couple of days later she forgot about it. The next day she remembered again. Mum I can’t forget this story. At bedtime Lucy’s ghost was in my room. I was amazed. I told mum, then we were happy again.
Joshua H 100 wc Y3 NZ
One peaceful night on memory town all the people was sleeping till the sun comes up but one boy was really smart but the scientist saw that the boy was really smart so he made a potion that will make the boy forget. So he creeped down memory town then he poured the potion on the boy but the next morning the potion didn’t work! The boy still have his memory because it was the fake one “tee hee he didn’t know it was me.” said the boy but scientist was really mad but he forgot how to make potions.
Sol Y4 100wc NZ
One day Barney the wizard was trying to remember how to make a power cut so he went to his archive of magic memories he looked under letter of every letter of the alphabet except for one letter. So he looked for his memory beginning with po... and there under his nose was his power cut spell. And this i what it said... “Suddenly the power went out...” so he cast his spell then the power out. “I did it!!” said Barney the wizard. Now this would change his life because light was his weakness and now he would always be happy.
Barney M Y4 100wc NZ
Year 3000. There was a man called Jonny he once forgot to put an injection in him to make him not turn into a zombie.So over night he turned into a blood-sucking zombie but he was just trying to be friendly. But the people were just too scared. So they called the British Army Force. they came and locked him up int he jail 2 miles under the surface (so that was that). But Jonny turned back into a human and was indistinguishable to the Army and people dug him up and for saying sorry they gave him a hover-skateboard and he was never a floccinauchinihilipilification zombie again.
Rory 100 y3 NZ
I remember when dad went to war with his friend. They were in a submarine. They both were gunners. The submarine was called Destroyer. 66 people were on board and 5 survived. It was a stormy night they came to a random cruise ship. It looked like it had been smashed but they didn’t do it. It was a bad submarine. It shot. It blew us up. We tried to get but it was too late. His friend died. My dad got out just before he died. He was so sad that his friend had died.
lucas 100wc y4
Hi my name is Joe and I’m 79 years old. I remember when I used to live under ground because of the World War 165. My dad died in the war and I had to stay underground for 6 years with only a little bit of food and a little bit of water. There weren’t many people only a few people with my mum. Sometimes I thought of the future. Will my mum die? Will they invent special machines that could keep everyone alive forever? I don’t know how I did it, but I told the future. Yee hah!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
I remember when Billy the Boy told me the story about the exploding sprite. This is how the story goes. When Fred the farmer was driving to Rebel Sports he asked Billy and Ned do you want a sprite? They replied with yes please. When they got there he brought there sprites. After that they went to Mitre 10 Mega. On the way there Ned and Billy were being a bit silly because they shook up there sprites. Billy dared Ned to open his sprite and he actually did and it EXPLODED EVERYWHERE. I will never shake up a sprite again.
Ana & Lucy 100wc y3 NZL
“Hey mum remember that time when sadly your father died?” “yes sweetie I do it was very sad wasn’t it. “Yes it was can you tell me again when George was little when he first saw a cigarette at the funeral?” “yes sweetie I”ll tell you how it went. When he saw my dads brother smoking he said “hey whats that in your mouth?”, he answered “ahhh well its very very bad for you” “no whats it called?” “well it’s called a cigarette.” Then George said “ no what is it its got a fire on the end of it?”
Josh R 100wc y3 NZL
As the sun went down in Africa there was a herd of zebras drinking out of a river then one of the zebras said’’oh no! I can’t believe we didn’t remember Stripes!’‘they didn’t know where he was but he was probably back home 200 kilometers away. They would have to walk 10 days and 10 nights. So the herd started walking and walking and walking. On the 2nd day they were puffed and thirsty but they didn’t know that they had passed home. One of the zebras noticed and ordered them to go back 400 meters. So they did and there he was.
Cam 100 wc y3 nzl
“Docter docter I can’t remember anything” “Thats horrible I’ll call the labratory” “Thank you docter’’ “Hello this is the labratory manager” “Please make a potion that makes people remember” “Sure’’ in the potion there is Frog guts, torn paper and smelly air. I walked off with the potion. I put a drop of the potion on my head and... grew enourmous.I tried to run to the labratory but I was too big to fit through the door. I crumpled the door and ran as rapidly as I could. I ran down the city and accidentally with my vast feet I stepped on the big labratory.
Alex 100wc y3 NZ
I remember when I took my little sister to the park. It was only five minutes to walk so we did. When we got there my sister Eliza started climbing the 6 meter climbing frame. “No Eliza no’’ I shouted but she took no notice and kept climbing higher. That’s when it happened. Her grip slipped and she fell screaming, I sprinted to catch her but I was too late, she lay on the ground clutching her leg. As soon as we got home Mother drove Eliza to the hospital. She had an x-ray and it showed a broken bone. I smiled at her “ You’ll be okay’’.
Ruby&Poppy nz 100wc year 3
Once there was a little boy a little girl. One day they saw a ship. And they couldn’t read the side of it because they were toddlers. They heard another boy saying “ hey mummy” yes” that looks like the rainbow warrior boat” and the little toddler sneaked on to the boat. When the boat started up they wondered around and they saw something strange about the ship and it was that there were Antarctica pictures and in the shops there were very warm clothes that were very puffy. Then they jumped on to there tummies like how the penguins do on tv.
Joshy100wc yr 4 nzl
Year 3000 there was a man called Jonny. He was named that because he was all wiggly woggily. Once he forgot to put an injection in him to stop him being a dumb zombie. Jonny called the British army to look after him.
On Saturday Jonny woke up. He went to work and all the British army were following him. He was feeling really weird. He was turning green and stupid. “It is time!” he cried. Then he began turning green and all he could say was “ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “ So he ate everyone in town and the whole town turned evil.
Barney 100WC Y3 NZL
Suddenly the power went off in Eastbourne and at 7 Marama Tce. Mr Cappa was telling stories around the fire to his grandson. He remembered that he was boxing at the age of 12. He was a legend. He started doing the championship 2 years after. He won his first match he got up to the bronze final and lost. Well it turns out that that man won it. He tried it the next year and the next he just was so close to winning. On his sixth try he he gave up that year his cousin won it he was so proud!!! “ohh those were the days."
Ming 100wc Y4 NZ
Hello l am a little penguin and my name is penguin, I remembered one snowy and stormy night I had two little blue penguin eggs and I gave to my mate then I am going to fishing. On the way back home some people who go to Antarctica caught me I was so scared but the people who caught me just got a little bit of my blade then they let me go back home. The time that I got back home my mate told me that some people stole one of our eggs start from that time I started to hate humans.
Flynn 100WC Y4 NZL
On a dark stormy night there was a little cottage that stood on the top of a hill and inside that little cottage there was a little boy who was having an awful nightmare his nightmare was ALL of his worst memories. The first one was when he almost fell into a sun bear enclosure at Edinburgh zoo when he was only 5. The last one was when he almost got blown up by a bazooka in world war 2 when he had just been born.
Cohen M yr 4 room 15
Hi I’m going to read you a story that I remember. It happened a long, long time ago. I was in my class when the power went out. Darkness covered the sky there was a flash of lighting and zombies. I ran outside the graves were crackling in the graveyard and I screamed. I ran home but zombies were hatching from graves. They were smashing windows saying“ brains brains!” But luckily I came up with an idea I needed to make a potion. I needed to get snake poison and frog guts for the potion. I splashed it on the zombies I saved the day I closed the page.
CJ 100wc Y3 NZL
I am an experienced scientist and I am making a stupendous potion for remembering. So far I have put in frog guts snake vomit and seagull feet then boiled them together. Now I am thinking what else to put in when the lights went out and I got an idea. I put two wires in and flicked the switch they where attached to. The potion fizzled bubbled and frothed then it all stopped immediately I tried it I swallowed it and I remembered everything from my childhood my first science contest and I won it I said ‘Yay!’ and’ Oh yeah wow.'
George 100wc y3 NZL
How do penguins remember how to go back to there nest? was the title of the story I was writing.this is what I wrote in my writing book.penguins must have some system that allows them to remember where there nest in the middle of may 1000s of square miles of ice.They can’t relye on footsteps because of wind and snowfalls.they must remember the direction that they went and go the opposite direction.But why don’t they falter on which direction they’re going.That was enough for today, I had written two pages of writing. I closed my writing book.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
It was April fools day and I was still thinking of a trick to play on my brothers. Suddenly I had a brainwave, this would trick them! I sprinted down to the duck pond. I had just enough time to get it ready. I stuck two sticks in the mud and perched my gumboots on top just to complete it. I arranged some old jeans under the gumboots and hurried home. I persuaded my brothers to go to the duck pond. They screamed and dived into the pond when they saw the gumboots. They were soaking when they came out. “I can’t believe you fell for it” I said.
Ted&Myles Y3 100wc
On Christmas eve Fred the farmer drove to the wharf to catch the Christmas salmon. When he got there he cast out his line but he only caught a few spotties and a snapper. After 5 hours he got so tired that he fell asleep... As he was asleep along came a really big salmon it saw the bait and bit it but the fishing-hook got stuck in it’s mouth. The salmon pulled him in head first so you could only see his legs. Luckily he was still holding on to the fishing line he had caught his salmon with.
Elsie & Imogen Y3 100wc
SPLASH!!! ‘Hah’ I sprinted towards the river in our back yard. I knew it was coming from there because people always fall in that river dumbly enough. It’s normally fake though. But this time it was definitely real. I took three steps forward. 1 2 3. “Oh no!” I almost fell in. “Oh that was just a swamp.” It must be ten steps to the river it can’t be anything else and it’s absolutely not going to be 4 steps 1 2 3 ...FOU . . . AAAAAAHH. I fell in luckily I managed to struggle out but still no one knows if that was a trick or not.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Cooper 100wc Y4 NZ
One day me and my dad went for a swim on Easter morning in the pond. We like making pranks in the pond. The prank that we did was funny. So what we did was that we got some gumboots and two stakes and put them in the pond and then we hid in the bushes. Then the day was over me and my dad went home. Then the next day we went to the pond agin. Then we did a prank again this time mum came along and the prank was funny too. We did the same thing as what me and my dad do.
100 word challenge Lucy and Poppy year 3 2013
Once there was a crazy man. He LOVED jumping in water with his friends. They jumped in rivers,Lakes,seas and oceans.There favourite place to jump around in the water was at Eastbourne wharf. Strangly one day they went walking to the lake. When they got two lake the saw two gum boots in the water with pants, under neath them.Then they said:”this must be the wrong lake” So they skipped away because they liked skipping away. Then the men went to the sea but the same thing happened again. Then they wondered what had happened.Also they wondered would it ever stop?
Rose y3 100wc nz
There was a man who LOVED fishing.And one day he went fishing with my dad mike. They LOVED going fishing together but when we got there he fell head first in the pond. I tried to pull him out but at the last pull I got him out. Are you ok I just had a little fall but thanks for asking. The next morning dad had visions about fooling in to the pond. Mum was worried oh I hope he’s ok. Mum got worried again. The next day dad stopped having visions and then the family went back to normal again and every one was happy at the end.
Ming Y4 100wc NZ
During christmas a little bad boy called Baddie he loves to do trick and bad things. One day he thought about a worst trick he had ever thought and that trick is to stack two wood in a river then put two boots on the top of the wood. He thought that alot of people was going to rescue the stick and the boot. So Baddie did the trick then one two three four five six seven eight nine ten... thirty. “I have tricked a lot of people,” he said to him self then he laughed for a very very long time.
George 100wc y3 nz
At about 4pm Tim put up a sign in the water. Well it wasn’t a proper sign. It was a pair of trousers and gumboots on sticks. It meant ‘don’t run here its slippery’ but a guy thought there was a person down there. As he slipped and fell into the water a lost sea snake swam upwards! Then he tried to save the sign. When he realised that it wasn’t a guy he was mad. I quickly stepped out of the undergrowth and explained all about the sign and that it meant ‘don’t run here, it’s slippery. Then I took down the sign and went home.
Esme 100wc y3 nz
It was April fools day. The twins mothers birthday. That day Ruby and Esme decided to play a trick on mother! So they thought until they had an idea... They were going to pretend that their dad had fallen into the lake. They went to tell their dad. “ yes” he agreed. “Ruby we can use these two sticks.” “Good idea.” said Esme. So together they stuck the sticks in the lake and put the trousers on top and then the boots and called for mum. She screamed then tried to pull him out. Just as she squeezed the trousers Dad jumped out! “You rascals!” said mother.
Lucas 100wc year4 NZL
Two little boy’s were thinking of a prank. and what they did for the prank is they got some plastic pants from last Halloween after that we went to get our dad’s gun boots. So what we did is we put the gum boots over the bottom of the pants. then we went to a near by river and tipped the pants and boots in to the river after we hid in the bush to see who would come past. Ten minutes later the best swimmer in NEW ZEALAND came and said i’ll save you. And we filmed her then put her on A.F.H.V.
Cj 100wc Y3 NZ
When I saw an old pair of gumboots I got a mischievous idea. I got a pair of jeans and two bulky sticks then taped them together. One day I found a river and put the trick I made earlier in the water and sprinted home yelling ‘A man is drowning in the water.' When about fifty people were following me I walked back then hid behind the bushes and watched them all jump in and get soaking wet. Then my mum dad and little sister came and jumped in too. When everybody found out I was grounded for that month ‘Grr.’
Barney M Y4 100wc NZ
Once there was a little boy practicing badly his 100 wc whilst rowing on a polluted river. He saw 2 gumboots. He pulled them up. No body!!! No head!! Just legs in gum-boots the rest was dripping blood and was poisonous. Also the man had had an agonising death when the man fell in. “I‘ll save you, you weird man” He pulled him out but the little boy only got his legs. “I tried my best but I cant save you. Ta ta. So he rowed to his awesome school to do his 100 wc and it was Friday. Fish and chip night.
sol 100 wc Y4 NZL
On a clear night a baby that knew karate ran away from his mum and dad and walked by himself up into the big wood he walked an hour then he found a tent but this baby did not know what a tent was so it started to laugh ha ha ha hey said the man inside. He came out and said be quiet baby suddenly the baby picked the man up by his arms. And chucked him in the nearest pond. Splash and all you could see of the man was his gumboots the baby started to head home when he got home he was so tired that he fell asleep.
Joshua H 100wc Y3 NZ
Today was the gumboot throw everybody entered even a scientist he wants to win, so he made an gumboot that will beat everyone’s gumboot. It was the scientist’s turn so he threw the gumboot but he followed the invention until he fell into a lake... WAIT! I saw it on the news was made up by a person I don’t know maybe he fell into a parana lake? Maybe the persern knows do you think he wants to take a dive or maybe he wants the his invention back the persen tells I was right well thats all.
Ana 100wc year 3 NZ
I was in the netherlands I was biking by a lake, just then ... I saw two gumboots bobbing up and down in the lake. It was very strange to see. There was a nearby house that had gumboots at there front door but there was only one pair. Then I heard a little girl say “where are your gumboots? “ I don’t know" said her mother so I got of bike and got the gumboots and gave them to the Mum and girl they said thank you. So I went of and biked home. When I biked home I felt proud.
Barney and Rory100wcY3 NZ
“Come on Rico get in the car,“ good doggy good doggy,” “hurry up Jimmy drive.”They were there in a flash they hopped out of the car and got to work. Gimmy got Rico to climb a tree. Jimmy and Gimmy knew a annoying kid at there school who walked up this track every day and she loved dogs. She always walked the track at six o clock in the morning because she was very shy. It was 5:59 now, so Rico jumped in to the wide river the annoying kid went into the river strait away. She drowned.
Josh R 100wc Y3 NZL
I was driving past Taihape and boot came out of nowhere! It smashed the windshield then it hit my head and then another one. Worst of all the engine broke down! I got so angry I threw it out the window into the lake. I made it totally look like a person drowning. It was the Annual boot throwing competition so everybody came and looked at what they thought was a drowning person because the boots where floating with the bottom sticking up! We called a mechanic he came an hour later he put some gas in and we were off.
Ruby year 3 100wc nz
It was April fools day also known as the twins mothers birthday. The twins names are Esme and Ruby. That day they were so board that they decided to play a trick on there mother! So they thought and thought till they finally had an idea... They were going to pretend that there dad had fallen into the lake. “ruby we can use these sticks as legs we can also use his gum boots and jeans.” dad don’t tell mum we are going to play a trick on her dad quickly go hide “mum look dad has fallen into the lake argggg!
Flynn 100 WC Y4 NZL
A dark stormy night had approached Antarctica. Two super heroes called Arctic batman and batman who were searching for an evil villain. When they found the villain they both discovered that the villain was an old man! Even though he was old bat man tried to karate kick him but it didn’t affect on him! Both heroes fainted then it started to rain. The rain woke them up so they set of on there journey to the USA. When they arrived the found him strait away so the old man blew them into the lake of crocodiles so they died.
Cam&Joshy yr3/4 100wc nzl
I was walking along a creek with my dad and we went across a slippery bridge. It didn’t even have rails to hold onto. He accidentally slipped off the bridge and handstands underwater. All I could see was his soggy gumboots. He was tired of doing handstands, so he decided to come out but, when he put his hands on the bridge, they slipped off again. He started to chase fish and eels away because they were annoying him. So he swam back towards me soaked and freezing cold. I carefully helped him get out of the freezing cold water.
Cohen M yr 4 100 wc
‘Come on’ said Jake to Joe ‘ Lets go trick or treating because its halloween’ so the two boys set of Joe was in a vampire costume and Jake was in a skeleton costume. They went to a zombie race people were dressed in a zombie costume! They were carrying chainsaws, baseball bats and a machetes. Joe screamed and jumped into a river with his gumboots hanging in the air. So Jake went solo 1 minute later 'I am done'. 'thanks for the candy' he went home it was a full moon tonight. I saw a shadow it was is a real WEREWOLF!
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