Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mia C RM 11 Year 3 100wc NZ

I was walking down the road and I saw a donkey hee-haw he only had one eye I’ll tell you why he was walking down the road and a yellow bird swooped down and stuck his claw into his eye and popped it right and put it into one of his eye because the bird didn’t have his left eye the donkey saw a man parachuted down and landed right next to him. The donkey said to him “ finally we can make a start on getting that ugly yellow bard.” The man john hopped onto the donkey and they skedaddled away.


  1. I liked how you put HEE-HAW

  2. that was a mean bird

  3. Wow Mia that's a very creative story I like the way you have used humour to tell the made me laugh!

  4. Awww! Poor donkey. I don't like the sound of that bird!

  5. Love the ending to your story Mia - 'and they skeddadled away.'

    Next time, I'd really like to see some more full stops as I got a little out of breath reading this without many pauses.
