Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lochie C 100wc NZ

One Friday a little robot called Mee-moo went to a velodrome & entered the race.“Me ma mooooooo!!!!”(Mee-moo can only say:mee,ma,moo,mo and mi).He came 1st place and got  
a gold medal,the next day he slept in.“Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”yawned Mee-moo.He looked at his calendar“Mo mi mee ma"he said excitedly,then he got dressed and went to work,but work was closed"Ma?"said Mee-moo confused.ZIV!!!!!!Someone chopped his head off! Then he grew a kitty body. "Mo" said Mee-Moo. The next day he learned English, then went to art class. "Finally we can make a start." 


  1. It's good that Mee-moo started talking properly!

  2. I agree Tai, very important!

    Lochie, next time you type up your 100wc remember to leave a space after full stops, commas and other punctuation, just like you would in your writing book. It makes it much easier to read.

  3. I like Mee-moo, a very cool robot. Well done Lochie :)
