25 years ago, there was a young man named Joe. He had a pet crocodile named Orange. Joe lived by the sea in an extremely tall house. One day, when Joe and Orange were playing on their wii, Joe said, “why don’t we go scuba-diving?” Orange nodded in agreement. They went onto their diving board, and dove off. “A..ahh...CHOO...erk...ack!” coughed Joe. “We forgot our scuba gear, and this water has pepper in it!” They clambered back upstairs, and settled down on their soft sofa. Suddenly, the floor split open! A huge Gorgonzola fish leapt at the couch, devouring Joe.
Well done Fraser - your last 100wc was chosen by the team to get a special mention! You and nine others from around the world had their writing in the Special Showcase. They had over 1000 entries too!