Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tai Y3 100wc NZ

“ But I’m afraid it’s the last one.” he said. 
“ You have to steal that golden seal, or else I will kill you! Listen to me, Ronald.” said Barry Bignose. Ronald was a kid, the age of six. Barry Bignose was Ronald’s stupid, bossy, annoying father. If you haven’t already guessed Barry and Ronald were evil. Ronald hated being evil, but he didn’t have a choice. So that morning, Ronald got into his submarine, pressed a few buttons and away he went. Finally Ronald found the golden seal. Suddenly the seal sped away. “ I’m in big trouble.” Ronald groaned. He was in big trouble.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That was sad when the golden seal got away !!!! Luke tait

  3. Ronald is in trouble now! By yoshiki

  4. Such an AMAZING story Tai!

  5. Luke Tait ( Sister: Phoebe)September 1, 2014 at 5:13 PM

    Love it love it! Tai
