Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lachie y3 100wc nz

One million years ago lived a lynx who lived in a zoo. He was deeply injured and needed lots of meat “ but i’m afraid its the last one.” he said. “ Well give me everything you have.” said the lynx calmly to the zookeeper. Suddenly, a King cobra slithered across the lynx’s paw then it bit the sick and injured lynx. It was almost dead. Seven years later it died. Every lynx became extnict but theres still some occasionally around. They eat deer and rabbit and mouse and sqirriil and chipmunks but the king cobra was poisened as well as him.


  1. That King Cobra was very naughty:( By Tai T-B

  2. Also a bit sad that the King cobra died as well, but it served him right to make the lynx die! :) :)
