Friday, October 18, 2013

Cam 100wc Y3 NZL

One night of Halloween the wind was howling quietly and it got louder and louder.There were people sitting on the beach water front as the sky was at sunset already.Slowly the sky got darker and wolves came and started howling trees whistling slowly.The windows started to crack because the wolves were still howling and the trees were whistling louder.I was inside watching TV and suddenly the power went out.I looked out the window it was pitch black i couldn’t see a thing.That night i thought about what treats i got from trick or treat last night it was so tiring.


  1. Cool story Cam. I really liked the way the story got more and more exciting and I especially liked the way you kept the wolves 'still howling.' Barney C

  2. Awesome story, I liked the part when the wolves howled. CJ

  3. What a dramatic night Cam. The howling wolves sound pretty scary. Sue

  4. i like the sunset part. Josh R
